Tree maintenance April 2017

During week commencing 10th April 2017 out tree maintenance contractor will be carrying out the annual maintenance on the trees around the Park.

This work will involve:

Lime outside no. 3 Reduce crown by 25-30%

Horse Chestnut at boundary 35/33 Re-reduce/pollard

Horse Chestnut outside 35 Re- reduce/pollard

Horse Chestnut outside 45 Re-reduce/pollard

Birches on spur road Crown lift to 4m from ground level

Re-stake leaning tree

Rowan outside 106 (The Lodge) Reduce crown by 20-25%

Ash outside 63 Re-reduce crown

Ash at boundary 130/128 Reduce crown by 20-25%

Horse Chestnut outside 19 (between streetlight & pedestrian crossing point)


You may be asked to move any parked cars whilst this work is carried out.  Thank you for your co-operation.